APTs Legal Videocast
Digital Executive Protection: Reduce Risk and Stop the Attacks
When combatting online threats to executives, employees, facilities and assets, the typical response from executive protection teams consists of physical, procedural, and technical security protocols (guns, guards, gates). It’s almost impossible, and often unnecessary, to provide 24×7 physical protection for every online threat. Determining the online risk profile and validating intent and viability are critical to identifying genuine and problematic threats.
Featured Speakers:
- Seth Arthur – Senior Intelligence Analyst, Nisos
- Robert Gummer – Director, Intelligence Operations – National Football League
- Buddy Loomis – Senior Director, LE Ops and Investigations – Match Group
- Mary Jane Leslie – Chief Growth Officer, Navigator – Powered by LifeRaft
- Moderator: Landon Winkelvoss – President and Co-Founder, Nisos